Hall Sweeps at East High

East high will be having a new tardy policy including hall sweeps.

By Marcos Urcino, November 11th 2024

Here at East High School the school board has decided to start a school tardy policy due to students being late at an increasing amount. How it works is sweeps will happen in 1 class period every day of the week on different floors of the school building.  

When a sweep happens on said floor teachers will be told to lock their door so students cannot walk in without facing the consequences. How the consequences work are the first time is just a little warning and a reteach of how it works the second time will be a call home to your guardian and then the third time is a call home and for all the following times lunch detention. 

 Being present in class on time increases the graduation rate and here at East the teachers and staff are here to make that happen. But students being late, those chances of graduation are reduced. But with this new policy comes a reward. 

Once you are on time and in class after the sweep you will getting a special type of beast buck that then you will be able to deposit into your grade level by the lynx on the second level but until then students will give them to the council during lunches first and second. Once students have earned their ticket, they then can go to a little box that grants a dance party for said grade but can also grant them a prevention ticket to whatever grade they want to not get the dance party.  

A few members of the administration were asked on how they feel about the new policy here is what they said. Assistant principal Mr. Literal stated, “I strongly agree with the new policy it will help the students here at east high school be successful and grant them a bright future ahead of them”. Mr. Literal then adds later he is very proud of what the staff is doing in trying to help the students. 

Mr. Orozco or head custodian Marcos Orozco had his opinion on this “As I’m going around the school, I see students not in class walking around and I hope that this new policy plays a big part in students’ success”.  

Students of East were also questioned of what their opinion was on the new policy but there was a twist of opinion. A split decision between not liking it and liking it. When the question was asked to a male, they would say that they don’t like it and would want the time it happens to change. Most students would want it once or twice every week. But the answer when asked to a female they stated that it was a good change to the school and that the party idea is also a very fun concept. 

 Overall, the new policy is a great idea to do and can be a great idea to help students succeed in high school and will be interesting to do so if changes will be made over time to the policy. The school has done a good job at making all the rules, rewards and it is also very interesting to hear about the administration’s opinions and the students' opinions. 


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