Magna Couple Charged With 29 Counts of Child Abuse
By Fuarosa Noa, September 6th 2024
What would you do if someone mistreated your children right in front of you?
On August 21st, 2024, Sarah Louise Sorenson had reported her partner, Kristopher Riley North, hitting and attempting to strangle her 6-year-old son.
After the authorities arrived and they revealed that not only had this abuse been going on for 4 years, but Kristopher Riley North had also been abusing all three of Sorenson’s children, ages 9, 8, and 6, without her reporting any of it.
Khristopher was charged with twenty-one counts of second-degree felony aggravated assault and eight counts of class A misdemeanor child abuse. Authorities took both Sorenson and North to prison, while the children were rushed to the hospital for help and treatment.
Everyone should have the strength to report active abuse when we see it. There are many stories where victims never escape because of those who choose to remain silent.