AI Is a Tool, Not a Replacement  

By Julie Lin, October 23rd 2024

Artificial Intelligence is growing more popular as its programing becomes more efficient, serving their ongoing purpose of learning to establish the same tasks the human body is capable of. Loads of opinions have risen due to this almost humanely mechanism, wondering if this will someday end in most of our workforce managed by AI. 

The uses regarding expert-systems are abundant, ranging from small tasks such as asking the ingredients to a popular dish to being able to run diagnostics and personalize treatment plans to patients. Ultimately a groundbreaking achievement, considering the first traces of AI could only prove 38 of the first 52 theorems in Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica in 1955.   

Amidst most or all academic settings, AI is brought up mostly for plagiarism or is generally an extremely helpful tool for students. Recently, a university student outwardly shared that Google NotebookLM offered AI generated podcasts that were based on your notes. Tailored to one’s personal preferences, it’s no surprise that it’s favored by many. As a response to various moments of plagiarism, teachers have started using AI detectors to flag any suspicious work.  

Mentioning the revolutionary skills that AI has attained throughout the years, a lot are skeptical of how this would potentially change the future towards professions like data & financial analysts, legal assistants, and bookkeepers. Being that these jobs consist of repetitive administrative tasks, it would be an easy target for AI. For this reason, a multitude of people are divided, thinking either AI could take these jobs which can make more pursue rigorous careers or it can be a tool to help any of these positions be an easier task.  

Specifically, the art community is notorious towards having this debate. Frankly due to both the burgeoning popularity of artificially generated art on social platforms along with being able to quickly access these programs. Something which artists use to their advantage, experimenting and producing pieces out of their normal range of skills. Though a number of professional artists feel as if this technological advancement devaluates their skills, it doesn’t help given that modern art has become something that a huge heap of people think they can easily do essentially taking away any sort of meaning and individuality in artists. According to The Eagle, it’s states that, “Ai models are trained to create images using real artists’ work”. Often, this method helps in trying to recreate highly realistic media, but discussion surrounds this way of “creating” and whether or not it’s even moral since copyright and ownership interferes in most art pieces. However, it’s safe to assume that AI doesn’t always work out when we ask for a picture of people or a smooth sailing video, often coming up with hideous and bizarre results like extra body parts on a person. Subsequentially being highly unlikely for many renowned and becoming creators to be fully replaced. 

In the end, it’s no doubt that we’ll see more improvements and creations made in the world of engineering and there is a point where artificial intelligence can possibly replicate how the human mind work and thinks, but as for right now it’s best if this advancement is used to help and support the jobs of many rather than dominate.  


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