East High Women’s soccer Recap 

By Natalia Macedo, November 11th 2024

The soccer season for 2024 started off by going to practice there was practice for two months, we were getting to know each other and did some simple things later the practices would get a little harder, it was fun I realized that soccer in high school is so much harder than in middle school there was lots of new things I have learned from going to practice. 

The soccer team would be better if they would work with the kids that don’t know much about soccer because there is a lot of kids that would like to play soccer but think it looks to hard or the girls on the team are so good at soccer and those kids might lose confidence. The practice would be better if the coaches would help us more instead of the seniors, who would do most of the work.  

Once the practices were over the tryouts started each one of us got our own numbers and we did multiple things to show that we are capable to make the team, there were a lot more girls this year than last year which makes things a lot more fun, I felt like this year’s soccer season could’ve been more  fun if we did things as a team like go out or go swimming even though we would do a lot of stuff as a team but it would be fun if we would involve everybody and talk about when everyone is available  it would be better if there were more rides because I felt like there were a lot of girls who didn’t have a ride to practice.  

On the second day of tryouts, we did a lot more things than the first day, after the second day the results were put up all the girls had a good chance on making the team and I loved how there were three teams which made things easier.  

I also think the seniors helped a lot on tryouts and the hole season they were there if we needed help or if something wrong was happening, after that we had our first practice, we each got into the team we made and we got to know each other.  We did some activities and from there we kept having practices and varsity was the first one to have a soccer game then it was JV and finally it was fresh, after the first game we had time to practice and see what we needed to work on the most and It also showed our coaches how good we were and what position we were best at it also helps us to  get to know our teammates. 

We had multiple games after and lots of wins, but it was time for the team pictures. We had team dinner the same day as pictures because everyone was going to go. Pictures took almost all day but it was fun because we got to choose our poses for our pictures and it was nice seeing everyone all glammed up that same day the seniors and juniors got their new jerseys and before any of this we all got our swag for east high women’s soccer we would all show up matching which was really fun. 

There would be a lot of people that would go to varsity and JV games there were kids that would bring couches there was a lot of crazy things that happened in this season but my favorite thing was just meeting new people and getting to know them I’m so glad I got to meet everyone on the girls soccer team and I hope next year is as fun as this year.  

I’m glad I got to be part of the east high women’s soccer team, and I hope everyone else feels the same way. I’m writing this article so that you can be more interested and so that you can know every detail incase if you want to join 1,2,3 east high. 


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